Anne Greenwood Communications

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Healthy snacks to keep in your bag

You’re a successful woman. You have meetings, dates, classes, and appointments to keep. You have relationships, jobs and hobbies to maintain. You lead an active life, and want to sustain your health as you kick butt inside and out of the gym.

These are six snacks to keep in your bag so that you don’t have to grab junk when you’re hustling to make a spinning class after work.


Nuts are powerhouses for sustenance. Packed with protein and omega-3 fatty acids. You’ll be the star of pilates with a handful of pre-class nuts. Keep your serving to a palmful; it’s easy to go overboard on nuts. You don’t have to worry about crushing them in your bag - bonus!


Dates sometimes have a bad reputation because they’re high in sugar. But it’s all good! Sucralose won’t jack up your blood sugar level like a cookie from your local cafe. Dates are great because you can get your sugar fix without eating junk. Plus, they’re full of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Win!


This is the easiest snack ever. Toss a piece of fruit in your purse before you leave in the morning. Fruit will sustain you well between meals. A piece of fruit before a meal will keep you from overeating if you’re starving after a long morning meeting. Lots of fruit comes in it’s own perfect packaging. Thanks, banana. 

Roasted chickpeas

These gems have the protein of chick peas, but also give you the crunch of a chip. You can find them at your local health food stores in flavours like barbeque, sea salt, smoky chipotle and more. If you’re feeling ambitious you can make your own too. A quick search on Pinterest will offer some inspiration for other flavours - hot, spicy, or sweet - however you like them.


If you can find some time in the kitchen on Sunday afternoon, you’ll have the perfect snack all week. Store-bought granola is packed with unnecessary sugar. Make your own and you can put in all the good stuff - nuts, oats, seeds, dried fruits, honey. Add in some superfoods like goji berries and cacao nibs. Nutrition on the go! Plus, granola is a great quick breakfast if you’re late for your 9am.


This may seem like a strange suggestion to keep in your bag. Popcorn is a go-to evening snack. If you have any leftovers, throw it into a container for an afternoon snack the following day. It’s crunchy, salty and fun. Make it on your stovetop or an air popper to avoid the gross chemicals of microwave popcorn. You can shake your favourite spice mix on it or keep it simple with sea salt. Popcorn will quickly become a personal favourite - trust us.

Bonus item: reusable water bottle

Hydration is key to keeping your energy levels up and your creativity at it’s peak. Carry an empty water bottle in your bag. An empty bottle is light, and ready to be filled throughout your day. Your forethought will reduce your waste footprint. 

The best thing about all of these snacks is that there is no refrigeration necessary. Throw them in your bag and you’re set for the day. With nutritious fuel, you’ll rule your world.

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