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My summer yoga playlist

What makes the perfect soundtrack to my summer yoga practice? This mix! The tunes in this playlist remind me of some wonderful summer moments in my life. There’s some nostalgia, with a mix of fresh grounding music.


The mix starts off with some Canadiana - the Good Lovelies. The tight harmony of their voices is like a warm blanket washing over my soul. It helps me root down into my mat. The lyrics “Oh the love you bring…” remind me why I come to my yoga practice: to love myself as I am in this moment.

The rhythmic guitar in Ray Lamontagne’s Be Here Now gets me moving into my practice. It sets a good pace for sun salutations as I wake my body. As the playlist continues, I build heat with the progression of each song.

An acoustic version of Vince Vaccaro’s Costa Rica brings me back to my time in this beautiful country: sandy beaches and gorgeous rainforests. Wanderlust and yoga go hand-in-hand here. At the closing of this total jam, I take my practice up a notch and work toward the peak. The following five songs make me smile. Even in the dead of winter these songs can bring me right back to hot summer days. Soak up the Sun will forever be my summer anthem. Florence & The Machine almost requires fresh air listening.

Nothing quite like this view to inspire your yoga practice

Alejandra Ribera brings about a slower pace - space to feel the heat of my body under the sun. I hit the ground for some seated positions. I feel the breeze dance over my skin.

Whole to My Half is juicy. This songs indicates the point in my practice where I need to dig deep - come to poses that I despise. I know that these are the poses my body needs most, so I need a song that will dig deep with me. Measha’s voice is like silk and it helps me through pigeon pose and the likes.

From here the playlist is full of songs that make me smile toward the sky. Sittin’ On The Dock of the Bay is one such tune. It reminds me how grateful I am for the time to sit and breathe under the blue sky. The playlist winds to a close with some quieter melodies. Ellie Goulding’s voice in the cover of Your Song reminds me of a feather on the wind. And you can never go wrong with Van Morrison to leave on a high note.

I hope you enjoy this playlist as much as I do this summer. You can find me dockside, poolside, at the beach or at the park with my mat and these jams.

What are some tunes on your yoga playlist right now?

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