Look inward


I was reading an article the other day about returning to your self - finding your voice amid the varying energies in your world. It was particularly resonant for me because my connection to self has faded of late. I haven't been practicing yoga regularly. Nor have I been meditating or praying.

I know that all three of these things help me know myself better. And in turn, makes me a better person for my loved ones to indeed love.

I'm a Pisces and an introvert - double whammy when it comes to internalizing the energies in  my world. I take on the vibes of people and environments I'm surrounded by. And when I don't like it, I feel overwhelmed.

My sacred practice of yoga, meditation and prayer helps me to look inward. To remember who I am. To find my voice in a vibrant city. To bring myself back to the here and now.

I like to sit in lotus resting my palms open, one on top of the other, as if receiving a token in my hands. I let my gaze settle on my palms. Looking at a piece of my body reminds me to connect my physical, emotional and spiritual beings in that moment. It reminds me who I am in order to carry it forward when I'm in the middle of conflicting energies.

Sit quietly on your own. Find a comfortable gaze on a piece of your body - your feet, your hands, your legs. Listen.

May I  always remember who I am. May I find the time to listen to my own inner voice.
