Why a yoga retreat may be right for you


A simple moment convinced me that yoga retreats are good for my soul: walking barefoot on a path through the woods back to my humble cabin. I walked at a slower pace, with greater intention; my breath was long and slow; my inner voice was so clear.

If yoga is your jam, make time and space to leave your full-time life to immerse yourself in your yoga self. You'll be glad you did. For me, this time felt good in my heart. They are markers in those years because it was a pause. It was time to make sense of what was, and sit with who I was there and then. And that helped me to go forward when I left.

You'll find a community of soft-hearted beauties to spend a weekend with. Perhaps you'll never see them again, or maybe it's the start of a friendship. But, that's not what matters. What matters is what each individual contributes to the weekend: their intentions; their vibes; their abilities.

I encourage you to go on a yoga retreat. Do your research and find one that resonates with your travel and yoga style.

I can recommend Northern Edge and Shanti Retreat.