
Smart social: Pluck Teas

Smart social: Pluck Teas

Smart social: Pluck Teas takes advantage of place and circumstance to connect with their community and build relationship.

I recently had an exchange with them via social media that demonstrates how social media can help you build a tribe of ambassadors for your brand. In this case the brand was social, clever, and showed personality.

Canada's first tea farm delivers on taste

Canada's first tea farm delivers on taste

This is an official PSA to all tea lovers in Canada. Get yourself to Westholme Tea Farm:  Canada's first and only tea farm. They've been nurturing their tea plants for years and finally, they released the very first Canadian-grown tea harvest. They're now serving two beautiful teas: swallow tale oolong, and island green. I had a chance to visit the farm this month while I was on Vancouver Island.