social media

Tweeting in an emotional time

Tweeting in an emotional time

Last week in Canada, we experienced a great loss of an epic Canadian who shaped our fabric with his music and stories. Gord Downie is a legend in this country. He wrote songs about untold stories and helped us to better understand ourselves as a nation. Music of The Tragically Hip has a prominent place in the soundtrack of Canada.

As we mourned this loss as a nation, there were several businesses who made the brave choice to wade into the conversation - posting tributes to Gord on social media.

Smart social: Pluck Teas

Smart social: Pluck Teas

Smart social: Pluck Teas takes advantage of place and circumstance to connect with their community and build relationship.

I recently had an exchange with them via social media that demonstrates how social media can help you build a tribe of ambassadors for your brand. In this case the brand was social, clever, and showed personality.